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Educators in the Central Okanagan are continually working with others to seek new learning that will help them to foster student agency and create the conditions for their students to drive the learning.  With the principles of learning (OECD 7 Principles of Learning, First Peoples Principles of Learning, and The BC Early Learning Framework) to guide them, these educators are shifting the pedagogical core by reevaluating their role as educators and the role of their students, the way they are approaching curriculum design, and the way they are using resources and interacting with the environment.


As teacher researchers, and learners alongside their students, these educators have been documenting this learning to make it visible for themselves and for their students.  Below you will find images and dialogue that spotlight how the educators and students in our district learning have been exploring complex questions as they learn alongside each other.


Check back regularly as new images, questions and dialogue are added throughout the year. 

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  2. Add a catchy title

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  3. Making Our Thinking Visible

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  5. Add a catchy title

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  6. Add a catchy title

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